Joseph PRATLEY 1840 - 1926




  • Baptised: 30 Aug 1840, Leafield, Oxfordshire, England
  • Buried: 01 Aug 1926, Leafield, Oxfordshire, England



Parish Register Baptisms

30/08/1840 Leafield, Oxfordshire, England Joseph PRATLEY Emanuel Esther Leafield Lab  

1841 UK Census

Leafield, Oxfordshire, England
(HO107/879/13 16/08)
Esther PRATLEY   35   y
Keziah PRATLEY   15   y
Henry PRATLEY 15   Ag lab y
William PRATLEY 15   Ag Lab y
Emanuel PRATLEY 13   Ag Lab y
George PRATLEY 10     y
Jesse PRATLEY 7     y
Joseph PRATLEY 11mo     y

1851 UK Census

Shipton-under-Wychwood, Oxfordshire, England
Leafield (HO107/1732 084/18)
Emanuel PRATLY Head Mar 50 Woodman Leafield  
Esther PRATLY Wife Mar 48   "  
Henry PRATLY Son Unm 26 " "  
William PRATLY Son Unm 24 " "  
George PRATLY Son Unm 19 " "  
Jesse PRATLY Son   17 " "  
Joseph PRATLY Son   10 Scholar "  
Eliza PRATLY Dau   7 " "  
Betsy PRATLY Dau   4 " "  

1861 UK Census

Leafield, Oxfordshire, England
Greenwick Lane (RG9/0909 080/12)
Emanuel PRATLEY Head Mar 60 Ag lab Leafield  
Esther PRATLEY Wife Mar 58   "  
George PRATLEY Son Unm 29 Lab "  
Joseph PRATLEY Son   20 " "  
Eliza PRATLEY Dau   17   "  
William Alfred PRATLEY GSon   4 Scholar Offingham, Worc  

GRO Marriage Index

4Q 1864 PRATLEY Joseph Chipping Norton   blank

Parish Register Marriages

17/10/1864Leafield, Oxfordshire, England
  Joseph PRATLEY   24 b Lab Leafield Emanuel P. Lab
  Mary Ann[signs Maryann] SOUCH   23 sp   Leafield James S. Lab
 Witnesses: George Williams, Elias Pratley

1871 UK Census

Leafield, Oxfordshire, England
Lower End (RG10/1455 079/14)
Joseph PRATLEY Head Mar 30 Ag lab Leafield  
Mary A. PRATLEY Wife Mar 30 Glover "  
Frank PRATLEY Son   2   "  
Percy PRATLEY Son   1   "  

1881 UK Census

Leafield, Oxfordshire, England
Lower End (RG11/1518 073/10)
Joseph PRATLEY Head Mar 40 Ag lab Leafield  
Mary Ann PRATLEY Wife Mar 41 Glover "  
Frank PRATLEY Son   12 Scholar "  
Percy PRATLEY Son   11 " "  
Ernest PRATLEY Son   8 " "  

1891 UK Census

Leafield, Oxfordshire, England
Lower End (RG12/1178 060/13)
Joseph PRATLEY Head Mar 50 Woodman Employed Leafield  
Mary Ann PRATLEY Wife Mar 51 Gloveress " "  
Percy PRATLEY Son Sin 21 Woodman " "  

Newspaper Articles

Witney Gazette
09 Feb 1895 [p.4, col.d]


Saturday, Feb. 2nd.

Before W.H. Fox and T.H. Cheatle, Esqs.

Game Trespass.- George Williams and Thomas Wilks, of Leafield labourers were summoned for trespassing on land in search of game, at Swinbrook, on December 27th, 1894. Joseph Pratley stated that he was woodman for Mr. Mitford, and received instructions from Mr. Lyons, who rented the right of shooting where he found the defendants. On December 27th, from half-past two till three in the afternoon, he was looking after the covers, and on going round Hensgrove Coppice he looked over a gap in the wall, and saw Williams walking away form some rabbit holes; he told him he would hear further about it. He found Wilks lying down by the side of the wall; he found five nets laid over the rabbit holes. Witness asked Wilks whether there was a ferret I the hole, and he said no, but while he was standing there a ferret came out of the hole. By the Bench: Williams was working in the woods for someone else. Percy Pratley, a son of the last witness, gave corroborative evidence.


Newspaper Articles

Oxford Times
16 Jun 1900 [p.5, col.g]


The "Old George" Club which is registered under the Friendly Societies" Act, has 94 members. Two deaths have occurred during the year, and two members have left, whilst five young members have been admitted. The club has a balance of £285 10s. 9d. in hand. The day's arrangements were well carried out by Mr. Joseph Pratley, the secretary, Messrs. Lot Shayler, and Albion Empson (stewards), and a committee comprising Messrs. J. Cox, E. Pratley, G. Fitzgerald (treasurers), T. Franklin, H. Ferriman, and J. Smith and H. Wiggins (trustees).

The "Potter's Arms" Club established on the five years' system, has 85 members, although it has had to meet several claims for sick pay during the past year, it is in a healthy condition. The secretary (Mr. Joseph Pratley) was on club day represented by Mr. John Hadland.


1901 UK Census

Leafield, Oxfordshire, England
Lower End (RG13/1398 055/10)
Joseph PRATLEY Head Mar 60 General Laborer Worker Oxon Leafield  
Mary A. PRATLEY Wife Mar 61     Do Do  
Emma M. PRATLEY GDau Sin 1     Gloster Arlington  

Newspaper Articles

Oxford Times
12 Aug 1905 [p.11, col.g]


On Saturday evening last a procession, headed by the Leafield brass band visited the villages of Asthally, Ford Wells and Leafield to make a house-to-house collection in aid of the funds of the Burford Cottage Hospital, and met with such success by collecting the sum of £3 18s. The duties were ably carried out by Messrs. Joseph Pratley, Thomas Franklin and George Williams, sen., on behalf of the "Old George" Benefit Society.


1911 UK Census Index

Chipping Norton R.D., England
HOUSEHOLD (RG14PN08241 RG78PN422 RD157 SD1 ED4 SN154)

GRO Death Index

3Q 1926 PRATLEY Joseph Chipping Norton 85  

Parish Register Burials

01/08/1926 Leafield, Oxfordshire, England Joseph PRATLEY Leafield 85